Almond Toffee

from Rob Loethen


  • 1 cup Reg salted butter
  • 3 Tbsp light corn syrup
  • 3 Tbsp water
  • 1 ¼ cups sugar
  • 1 cup finely chopped almonds (plain not salted)
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 1 tsp burnt sugar flavoring (HyVee)
  • 8 oz milk chocolate chips
  • ¾ cup finely chopped almonds (plain not salted) for outside coating


  • With one of the sticks of butter, grease bottom of cookie sheet(s) or pizza pans (including sides).
  • Combine remaining butter, corn syrup and water in a medium-size heavy saucepan. Cook over medium heat until butter is mostly melted. Stir in sugar and continue cooking over medium heat, stirring constantly, to 300o on a candy thermometer. (Do not rush the cooking, or the candy will be sticky. Constant stirring isn’t as critical up to 240 degrees, but becomes very critical at 240 and above.) Remove from heat; stir in vanilla, burnt sugar flavoring, and almonds (not including almonds for outside coating). Spoon or pour into the buttered pans, and using a metal spoon spreading quickly and evenly to thin out the candy. Cool completely. Turn out onto wax paper.
  • Melt ½ of the chocolate in a microwave safe bowl at 50% power (stirring after each minute until it melted completely). Thinly spread the chocolate over the top of the candy; sprinkle with reserved almonds. Turn candy over. Melt remaining chocolate, spread over candy and top with remaining nuts. Let set until chocolate is firm (approximately 1 hour). To speed the drying and hardening process, the candy can be put into the refrigerator until completely set. Break into pieces.