Sweet Cucumber Pickles

Louise and Homer Tyler
Course Condiment


  • cucumbers washed but not sliced

Per half-gallon jar:

  • 2 tbsp pickling salt not iodized
  • 1 ½ tbsp mixed pickling spices
  • 1 tsp Alum
  • 2 cups vinegar

Per half-gallon jar (ready to use):

  • 4 cups sugar


  • Pack cucumbers into 1/2 gallon jars.
  • To each jar add the salt, pickling spices, Alum, and vinegar.
  • Finish filling each jar with cool water, then seal.  Let stand at least 30 days before using.
  • When ready to use, drain and slice one jar of the pickles into a bowl.  Cover with the sugar, and let stand 24 hours in refrigerator.
  • Keep pickles in refrigerator.


For 1 quart jars, halve each of the above ingredients, and use 2 cups sugar after sliced.

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