Anderson Family Recipes

Apple Delight

Apple Delight 2 quarts cooking apples (peeled and sliced)sugarcinnamon2 tbsp butter3/4 stick margarine (softened)1 cup sugar1 cup flour1 tsp baking powder1 tsp vanilladash saltmilk Place apples in baking dish.  Add enough sugar to sweeten and cinnamon to taste.  Dot with 2 tablespoons butter.Mix together softened margarine, sugar, flour, baking powder, vanilla, and salt.  Add enough…

Carla’s No-Name Cake

Carla's No-Name Cake 2 sticks margarine8 tbsp cocoa4 eggs2 cups sugar3/4 cup flour1/4 tsp baking powder1/4 tsp salt1 tsp vanilla3/4 cup oats Melt margarine, cool slightly and add cocoa.  Add eggs and beat well.  Stir in sugar.Combine flour, baking powder, and salt.  Add flour mixture to egg mixture and mix well.  Stir in vanilla and…