Homemade Noodles

Letha Peck
Course Main Course


  • 3 or 4 eggs
  • salt
  • pepper
  • flour


  • Beat eggs with some salt and pepper until just mixed together well.
  • Add flour until the mixture is fairly stiff.
  • Put out on a well floured surface and roll very thin ( this isn't always easy if the dough is very stiff).
  • Let dry flat for an hour or two.
  • Roll up tightly and slice into the thickness you wish.
  • Unroll each slice and use immediately or allow noodles to dry then freeze. Can also use them within a day or two.
  • Drop noodles into boiling broth and cook until tender.
  • May need to thicken the noodles when about done with a thickening of flour and water.